![]() seriously, i have something happy to post about today! yesterday's CG was great! and i lead although i`m alone, but god is there with me. i know. and i have committed myself to god saying, i do not wish to put u at the back of my mind. but to put you the first tod before everything. karen joined us yesterday! ^^ yesterday's sheperding was great too! i knew more about holy spirit baptism. how powerful it is. and how great it is. and it is a gift from god! amen! yesterday night. i was verii upset.. i looked at my eyes. and i saw some white stuffs around my eye pupil, and there's red veins connected to it. i was so afraid. this was happening to my right eyes. and i don't know when, my left eyes had some red veins already too. and at this point of time, my right eyes is hurting tremendously.. i didnt know what to do and i was so afraid. i started to pray. i told god, i wanted to continue to serve him , i want to see his words and let him teach me. i cried whilst praying. i kept praying and praying. and i went to sleep early. i was so afraid that i will wake up not seeing anything. i was so afraid i will wake up not being able to see the light.. i am very afraid. i didnt know what to do and i prayed and prayed. this morning, i woke up mani times just to open my eyes to check if i can see things and fall back to sleep again.. morning, i woke up . truely woke up kind. and i look at both of my eyes. and i thank god! he healed me! i was so grateful. and this is the second miracle i seen after i came back to him! shall prepare as he is coming over to pick me up and send me to school.. shall go out soon! i`m looking forward to tml's bizart campaign wearing the tee and service which will last from 2-10pm.. which means not much time to study.. shall take time out.. sunday, will be having breakfast with my CG first before heading over to sentosa for CYL 2! which will last from morning 8plus - 8plus pm i guess .. with all the travelling time la. ^^ so ciaos ppl! xoxo ![]() currently in school com lab. shiok eh? not really. having RHT as wad my usual thursdays are for now.. gonna go for CG later. yays! having shepherding later too! woohoos.. hope i`ll learn something out of it and apply it into my daily packed life.. ok. i promised to update on my previous few days schedule. went out almost everyday. monday, had lessons from 9-5 verii verii tedious lurhh. dinnered with marcus lee, joel, philbert & den wwent home already. couldnt really recall vividly wad happened on monday. sorry urh.. tuesday, same.came to school at 9-4pm. den it was dinner with the same gang again.. wednesday which is yesterday, had lessons from 12-4pm as there's no intro HTM lecture. yupps. tiffany came to crash TP yesterday. i`m so darn happy lurh. as in, she's a verii verii good friend of mine. and i really miss the times with her. she is just so nice la. it'll be darn nice to have her in TP man. she talked to me about ppl changing. and i do agree. but wad can we do right? ppl do change, but it's glad that me and her, stil have so much to talk about . so much to confide in. really true friend lurh. she never fails to care for me lurh. ^^ after meeting her from 4-5 i went to meet shirley & pei qi at mushroom. tiffany left first cus i went to practice praise for today's CG.. chose songs, and learnt quite abit on notes and stuffs. hahhhs. but i`m nervous. alexia will not be with me. i think i mentioned already. yeaaa. so i`ll be leading praise alone. sadd. after that, went to find marcus lee, philbert, joel at soccer field? yupps. den went over to find tiffany , yi hao, yi wei, si hao at mensa 2. den we all headed to the library to slack? yeaa. we did 2 stupid thing . first time in my life. LOL. shall not say it here.. den headed home.. ^^ ever since i came back to him i saw this miracle .... i`m really shock to see my brother, my sister accepting him so much and my mum not giving comment towards me being with him. PRAISE TO GOD! seriously, it's a miracle i see that god set into my life. praise unto him.. seriously, if u guys know my mum well, you will know if she see ani photo of me and my boyfriend, she will scream. this happen towards my previous ex and alot of family problem came up. and yesterday, she took a look at my planner, saw my photo with him, and she asked my sister " not the previous one right? ok lo. " she did not scream u noe? i`m so shock and i believe it's god's doing and i know he have paved my path for me. i give praise and thanks unto him! thank you father lord! ever since the days i went back to him, i gtg now. xoxo ![]() sorry for a sad and depressing blog post. hmmms, nothing much to post . just that i wanna pray that tml's praise leading will be a fine one for me. as alexia will not be with me, i`ll be alone leadingg.. first time. and i noe god wil guide me and give me the strength.. he loves me for who i am, and he sees no fault in me. just the sincere heart he hopes to see. i believes he is the one who will be there for me.. school's been fine. revision have been done recently. exams are coming soon. hahhhs. where i went to today & yesterday, i shall blog it out tml. takkaire readers. taggs shall be replied tml too. thanks for all the care & concern i received! Labels: fruits of the spirit : love xoxo ![]() currently in school now having lecture in a stupid atmosphere. aniwae, there isnt much for me to blogg. just feeling vexed, and bored with regards to certain stuffs in life. sometimes, i ask , why is it i`m affected / am afraid of being commented / judged at. why is this so? seriously, i do not know. many things in life have beeen affecting me. wish to voice it out but i know there's eyes on me, ears close by listening. might as well just shut up. i feel verii verii demoralised with the wae i am being myself, but ppl around me dunno i am true or not. seriously, dere's no need for me to put on an act or wad. some might be delighted with what i just wrote, some may be unhappy about it. gahs. so much i call this my blog. so much i call this my personal space/venting area. there's just still some restriction. maybe i should just shut this blog down. i am so afraid i will keep quiet once again. i know i shouldnt be afraid of the comments and i should not sway/ change my todds becus of all these. i feel terrible. but who can i seek? i know that things are never 100 ttrue. am i too sensitive or what? but i really don't know. i seriously feel terrible. who can i seek other father god? he's the only one whom knows me the best... god, i know u are here for me. i know u understand how your child feels currently lord. god, i know u understand my situation and i wanna thnak you for blessing me with bizart 3 loving me for who i am , and i cna be myself whenever i`m with them. i thank you for this big family. and i thank you for being here for me. who can i confide in other than you? who can know me more than you do? who can i trust other than you? god, i wanna allow you to guide me. i give my life unto you lord. father, for i have sinned against you, i ask for your forgiveness. i wanna walk this faithful path down towards you. i wanna run into your loving arms. i wanna be with you. i know you are alwas there. you never forsake your child. i know and i understand. god, thank you. i love you lord. amen. byeee. xoxo ![]() ![]() hello hello. back to blogging already. sorry fo not blogging yesterday. that boy was like scolding me today for not updating?! hahhhs. not scold la. if not he will knock some senses into my head tml already ! hahhhs. shall start posting about yesterday.. went to school for project. was quite reluctant? woke up early and slept in late as i went home late that previous night. den, ended project at around 12pm. went over to find that boy after that.. i do admit he is real sweet to me , and i enjoy being doted by you my dear.. shall address this issue later.. hmmms, den he piggyback-ed me! hahhhs. i know i`m heavy. i shall go reduce my weight. hahhs. after that, around 2 plus went over to find amanda , shirley & more bizart 3 people. evax-ed before going over to sommerset for service. ate at la meridian before service.. service was great! messaged bring across was to let god intervance our life , and he will take our hands and walk our path.. and from the sermon, i learnt something, i cannot only seek god when i need him. but seek him under all circumstances, god will take lead in my life. i shall trust in him and walk down with him ! amen ! after service went to PS with bizart. tiring but fun. my ugly pics are captured by DAamanda, =.=! verii ugly kind. =.= ! my image gone already.. T.T ! today, went out to meet him . he waited for me for quite some time? waited for me to bath and prepare sorry eh. went downstairs to meet him. ^^ den, went over to suntec, MS & east point. i realised alot more about him, and i trust him, and i believe in him.. i do wish to walk this endless path, and trust me . don't walk back the same path alright? i know u will read this. tag me urh! read till now, mani will be guessing, who's the above guy, and why am i suddenly attached? hmmms... firstly, the guy, yoos wish to know, slowly guess. those who know keep quiet ar. hahhhs. ask me if u are really interested. to the reason why i am attached let me tell u.. 1) becus i realise i love him for doing so much for me and i dont want him to sacrifice so much for me.. 2) becus i have let go of my past relationship , and decided to take on this new path after a few months.. 3) i do not wish to miss a great guy like him 4) i have fallen deeply for him whether you will give me your blessing or not, i dunno, but till now, ppl whom know did gave me their blessing and told me it's wise to let go of my past and move on. yea. i think so too. he's a christian too btw. and we will walk down this faithful path down together! the past just made me gave up on myself. made me lost confidence in myself. but he assured me so mani times before we got together that he will restore my faith and my trust in love.. i did not want to gamble previously, but now, i took up this. i`m proud to say, i did not regret my decision and i am loving him more den i can believe. i really do my dear. happy right? hahhs. i wun enter a relationship with the tods of ending it. true? why have enter a relationship with that tod right? ^^ so , believe me, i will be there for you whenever u need me... ! ^^ aniwae, i gtg already. having lessons at 9am tml. nights! xoxo ![]() hello readers! sorry to be posting alwas at late night. hahhs. aniwae, i`m really really happy after the days i re accepted god back into my life. i look forward to everyday . look forward to god using me to serve him. i look forward for service too. this never ever happened to me before. seriously, i`m really glad to be reconnected back with him. like wad my dear said to me, let's serve god together, do not run away from him already. we shall all serve him wholeheartedly , faithfully. i`m touched .. i managed to bring him back. ^^ today was quite tiring. despite waking up at 12.30pm? hahhs. i`m such a pig. woke up, prepared and went to school for econs lecture. i must save my wallet by not looking at the metal cabbies on the road. oh gosh.. hahhs. temptations! resist joanne ! aniwae, yupps. after econs was comm. skills. project coming up again.. =.=! denn, went over to safra with the guys. alot to mention. too lazii. =.=! the same few like the other time. but plus yan shan, yong han, edmond , philbert, marcus lee, joey. ya. alot of us went to safra... hahhs. did not really play much tou.. was much of slackking. ^^ saw primary school friends dere. as crappy as di siao as ever.. now, i reached home already. hahhs. durh?! bathed , talk to him on the phone . hahhs. he's as ever crappish man.. now i`m tired. wanna go do QT den sleep already. ^^ seriously, i wanna bring more ppl to know him. it's a real joy, real fun and a very right choice. i`m glad i`m back to him .. shall share a song with you guys... making a difference won't you lord, take a look at our hands everything we have, use it for your plan won't you lord , take a look at our hearts mould it, refine it , as you set us apart we want to run to the altar, and catch the fire to set in the gap , between the living and the dead give us a heart of compassion, or a world without vision we will make a difference,bringing hope, to our land we will answer the call, to build this church without walls let your glory be shown, bring salvation to the lost , to the lost ... there's alot more nicer songs i chanced upon recently. knowing him, is a real joy. bizart! let's work together and bring salvation to our loved ones and even those whom we feel impossible to reach out to. let's reach out to them! alright, i`ve got a long day tml. practically i`m busy everyday. =.=! aniwae, nights ppl. let god lives in our heart, with our burning passion, we will make a difference - stretching out to the lost ones ; TAGS REPLY : rui qi : hahhhs! i know u are here! you love me wad right?! zhi ning: life've been great. how have yoos been?! naemah : i shall go bleech myself soon. yeaaa! memories are just so wonderful. so let's walk down the MEMORIESLANE! hahhhs. cs: life's been great yea! hahhhs. yoos? amanda : beehhbheeeh~ i`m responding! hahhs. ps, i was real sleepy last night can?! you should know. i`m like can doze off kind. you both quarrel in my blog ar?! lols. james : qi shi, wo ye bu zhi dao. ni de hua yu kao de bu cuo oh! ban shang di 3 ming! Li ting : i wll bond well with the family, we are one big family. with the same goals and the same heart & attitude. as we are all the children of father god! not surprised! hahhs. yoos miss me mahhs. i noe. Geckting : hello sister! praise unto god! hahhhs. i noe i noe. bet u miss me alot right?! i miss u too urh. see ya tml at service! Shirley : Bizart, Engit , TP , HOPE church , we shall all dream big to acomplish big doing for our father god! yea! let's all walk together to serve him, loving him. i won't run away from him. i will run towards him bringing more sheeps with me! amen! bye! xoxo ![]() thank you lord for everyday i have . thank you god for the blessings to keep me safe. thank you god for making my day end with a happy note. hmms. well, this few days. wad happen? will not go into details unless it's very important. Tuesday comskill test on tuesday, rather manageable. yupps. Wednesday Got back FnB results. 45/50 quite ok. but could have scored better. haiis. had intro test. gone case la. =.=! did my best. and er, pass is can. do well or not, another problem. disappointing man! Thursday which is today. woke up at 8.30am. prepare and reached school before 10am. had POM tutorial. not bad la. den, went to kfc to eat. jie ling was being funny to teach us some "strokes" . denn, headed back to lab 7 and studied research. den went library chiong project till 4 plus. is verii tired kindd of thing. denn, went to find amanda. did shepherding for an hour. den headed to find him. went for CG. and den waited for him to end. den send him to bus stop since he not joining us for supper. hahhs. headed back. supper den went home. Today, i was holy spirit baptised. it was really really powerful. i felt the presence of holy spirit and he talking to me. i thank god for anointing me to be his chosen one , powerful one to spread his words. i will continue to keep my faith in him, love him and trust him. i`ll give myself unto him and will confide in him, talk to him. have a private time with him.. god loves me for my inner appearance and i believe, he hopes that all the people out there will receive the gift of god which is salvation. amen! and i believe, we are his words, his power, his conveyer, to save as mani lost souls as we can to pick up more talent to serve him. lord, be with us. we`ll worship u, praise u wholeheartedly and joyfully. amen! i wanna thank lord for sending him to me. as he really verii goood to me, and i have learnt to love him already. yeaaps. i will go off for my QT now and hit my bed after that. nights ppl. let the lord be with us, in our presence and bring him into your life, to receive god's salvation. gtg! BYEE! xoxo ![]() thank god for each and everyday i am living through now. i have alot to thank for .. ok. i shall update urh. hmmms... saturday.. woke up at urhhh... if i aint wrongg, 10? yea. prepare, and went to meet amanda, mei yi & pei qi at around 1? they are alwas late. hahhhhs. i heard. den headed to sommerset to eat at "graffiti " dunno where la. denn, went to play pool. denn had service. i`m really inspired by pastor jasmine. she really brought me back to god. her video, is the most important aspect, that brought me back to god. to connect me back with him. remembering the sacrfices he made, and the minute stuffs i did , the guilt i have. i cried. but, i picked up, and told myself, joanne, god is teling u, to go back to his embrace. he is constantly there for you. just a matter whether you will turn back and run back towards his loving arms... and yes, i`ve reconnected with god again. i thank god for having a friend like amanda through out, pestering me for something good. pestering me all day long just to go back to u lord. and yes, i failed as your child, but now, i have grown stronger. to live in your name, to praise u to sing unto you.i thank you for bringing bizart 3 this bunch of people whom can tolerate my nonsense and jokes.. not forgetting, guiding me to come back to you lord. esp, jenny, pei qi, mei yi. they are constantly like my elder sisters, caring for me like a lil child. lord, thru them, i see your love, your amazing grace and your never ending love towards your child , me lord. thank you for everything. also, i wanna thank you for my christianity family. my pestering family, asking me to go back unto you lord. and yes, i did i will not forget the love of yours and thru them. i will forever spread your words and bring more people to know u lord. i can do it. i believe so. as i am forever that noisy. [ hahhs] a story to share. do just take a minute to read guys. really. [koped from meiyi's blog ] Unmoved Rock Once upon a time, there was a man who was sleeping at night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light and the Saviour appeared. The Lord told the man He had work for him to do, and showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the man was to push against the rock with all his might. This the man did, day after day. For many years he toiled from sun up to sun down, his shoulders set squarely against the cold, massive surface of the unmoved rock, pushing with all his might. Each night the man returned to his cabin sore and worn out, feeling that his whole day had been spent in vain. Seeing that the man was showing signs of discouragement, SATAN decided to enter the picture placing thoughts into the man's mind such as "You have been pushing against that rock for a long time, and it hasn't budged. Why kill urself over this? You are never going to move it." Thus giving the man the impression that the task was impossible and that he was a failure. These thoughts discouraged and disheartened the man even more. "Why kill myself over this?" he thought. "i'll just put in my time, giving just the minimum of effort and that will be good enough." And that he planned to do until one day he decided to make it a matter of prayer and take his troubled thoughts to the Lord. "Lord", he said, "i have laboured long and hard in your service, putting all my strength to do that which you have asked. Yet, after all this time, i have not even budged that rock a half a millimeter. What is wrong? why am i falling?" To this the Lord responded compassionately, "My Child, when long ago i asked you to serve me and you accepted, i told you that your task was to push against the rock with all your strength, which you have done. Never once did i mention to you that i expected you to move it. Your task was to push. And now you come to me, your strength spent, thinking that you have failed. But, is that really so? Look at yourself. Your arms are strong and muscled, your back sinewed and brown, your hands are callused from constant pressure, and your legs have become massive and hard. Through opposition, you have grown much and ur abilities now surpass that which you used to have. Yet you hadn't moved the rock. But ur calling was to be obedient and to push and to exercise your faith and trust in My Wisdom. This you have done. I, my child, will now move the rock." 1cor 15:58 This story, is really heartfelt & heartwarming. let nothing move our faith bizart 3 & all fellow hope "sheeps" . God is constantly there, helping us along, believe in him, and trust in him. God have paved our path. Do not doubt. he is our father, our beloved father. let's grow our faith towards him. and spread his words around alright? ^^ yesterday went to work. nothing much. today woke up at 8. thanks to my SHEPHERD for conning me out ALL the time. LOL. went to fairprice to buy groceries.so rare of joanne tan in the supermarket.. hahhs. buy le, den went over to aman's house to cook spphagg. not i cook of cus. if not it'll be darn nice til not enough for ppl to eat. xD .den headed to "jacob's place" [ they lie to me about that place] idiots. but it's darn cool there can play MJ, pool, movie, eat, chat, gathering place la. darn cold and cool. heeehs. den headed to 201 to find that idiot. hahhs. den went home lo. shall go revise my comm. skills already lurh. bye bye! reply taggs tml. nitees. xoxo ![]() hahhhs . morning readers! i just woke up from my miraculously i woke up at 10am during a weekend. thanks to someone. hahhs. it's okkay. ^^ den i came to blog lurhh. hahhhs. it's been some time since i last work. but still, i received my pay of about half of 500? not alot. but it's enough to tide me for 2 weeks till i get my next pay. next week have ta start working le. hahhs. crap crap crap. i`m crapping all the way. 1. i`m going out later ! YAYS! x1 2. i`ve decided my path & satisfied with it ! YAYS! x2 3. my parents dote me alot ! YAYS! x3 4. i have wonderful friends around me . YAYS! x4 5. i love my life ! YAYS! x5 okkay la. i have many things to be joyous about. and this is what god have granted me. i`m satisfied. i wanna go back to christ. today. hmmms. going to tiffany told me about her joining CYA . i wanna join her leh. should I ?! i think i should urh. hahhs. work at changi airport. not bad ar. but have to devote a few days for duty. and it is not a cca? =.=! idiot. okkay. nvm. i think i will join. shall see how. ^^ ok i gtg now den. i see no new taggs. i`m angry. if i am seriously fed up i shall close down this blog! hahhhs. okkay la. take care people ! ^^ xoxo ![]() ![]() hello hello. back to bloggingg.btw, i might be typing some nonsensical stuffs as i`m feeling dead tired now. spare me urh. okkay. woke up at 10? suppose to wake up at 8.30am. dragged till 10. actually 9 i woke up again, but since daddy say he's gonna send me to school, i went back to sleep again. hahhs. den, i woke up did my com skills. shitty sia. early morning do english. but nvm. hahhh. write till got flow write till 400 plus words? omgg. hahhs. 1 morning less den half. hr can write 400 words can liao la. ^^ but still gonna practice lurh. early morning attended com skills till 12.30pm. den went over to tend booth? hahhs. initially got all the energy to sell. but sorry urh class, till end slackked alot? hmmms. saw alot of people cann?! hahhs.. happy happy. hmmms, denn, after CCN, went off with marcus, joel, bjorn and yi wei. went for dinner at block 800 plus here. but i didnt eat here la.. hahhs. went over to safra later on. we reached at around 7 plus ba. hahhhs. saw tiff, peng xiang, yi hao there. den kok boon and ah long came to join us later on? yea. it's darn fun cann?! so in total, tiff, yihao, joel, marcus, kok boon, ah long, peng xiang, bjorn & I played from 8-11 plus plus?? hahhhs. a fine gathering. next week also have ba. yan shan joining us too. lols. aniwae, it's darn crap over there can. the place even have this no member no noise policy. tmd. LOL. so we were constantly reminding ourselves , we no member hor. quiet hor. lols. peng xiang very sad. he today so lugi sia. ate 31 longan, 7 kiwi. [ not real one , but it sucks. it's dried ] yea. cus he and joel starting this "hai dai" game and " cai quan " game. peng xiang. omg. kept making us laugh like shit. and blames me for bring all those. i didnt ask u to play la! =.=! but it's darn entertaining. overall, i had a great day gathering down dere lurh. ^^ i am still bothered over it. i guess, i should just forget about everything i feel. shall not reply tag. as there's no one tagging but views still running quite nicely. tag la. omg. xoxo ![]() hello hello. like i said. i promise another post of pictures and here it is. hahhhs.
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and finally, a proper group photo! hohos. yupp. after school, we [ shirlene, yi zhen, jie ling, priscilla, terrence ] went to west mac to have our lunch. hahhs. BECAUSE OF PRIS, i ate a freaking burger for 1hr ?!!! 1HRR?!! lols. i`m as slow as u pris. no worries. i noe u are constantly slow like wad terrence sae. hohos.shared alot of stories cannn? so darnn fun. hahhhs. den terrence left whilst the rest came over to my house. ahahaas. reached my house, they played with my dog. =.=! diamond was being darn cute and GUAI. nvm. heehs. den den, reached at around 3 plus and do our work lo. wa, we got distracted. and becus shirlene want to try out my com webcam, we started camwhoring. IT's darn funny. shirlene tod she press "capture" is to capture a photo. but i didnt realise it is video. i mean i noe, but i didnt knew she press that. den, after 10 mins of so, the video was finally stop?! WATCHED IT AND LAUGH LIKE CRAP! OMG. shant upload it here, if not pris will start to laugh non stop again. xD den took photos lo. hahhhhs. did our work from 3 plus to about 5 plus 6pm?! we are so darn serious la. i mean, we met at 10 this morning and did our stuffs till 12pm. den after our RHT lab we go eat and continue again. and this is our first session. we brain stormed la. everyone did contributed and this group is efficient and great cliques! ^^ ok lurhh. my rice is delivered to my desk already. backk to blogging. wa, just eating one meal got so mani things to type again... i gave up. i rather be loved than loving. i rather be treated nicely and treat that person back as nicely as i can instead of trying hard of that. no harm trying, and i hope, i will not fail my own promise. let me think about it first den.
I`m Happy le! update tml. ^^ xoxo ![]() currently in school having research on hospitality and tourism. using msn and doing SPSS. shitty. but fun. this morning met yi zhen and the girls at 10. darn fun la. we chat like nobody's business. heeehs. i got mani friendds! i love my class peeps lurh. wore quite formally and nicely today? ppl comment one. hahhs. no la. i also dunno. fun ma different attire everyday. i have yet to wear tee shirt! =) ahhh! i got so mani things to vent out can?! i`m hungry now. i miss diamond now and i am boredddd! hahhhs. i aint paying attention. now doing tourism survey?! hahhhhs. finishing soon. gonna continue my project for INTRO. HTM and POM with the girls later. so gonna question them some stuffs. nyeahahaha. wooots. up till now. i`m happy as i didnt fail to attend ani lecture or tutorial even if my leg is like fractured. i`m happy. hahhhhs. shall be a good girl. darn glad la. heeehs. woot woot. i`m mad. lalala. let me waste some time here. haslinda just came over to disrupt me by hitting hard on my keys. D... u has! heeeehs . i love my few cliques la. i have different friends okay. aniwae, i shall remember to take photoS with the girls later. den i shall post it up. hahhs. miss me people. and tag. if not i eat u up ! NYEAHAHAs. byee. miss me. taggg more leh. if not i really angry. HAHAS. xoxo ![]() ![]() she simply soothe my tiredness after a long day. hmmms. yea. back from a long tiring day at school. woke up at 9 to study again. last night studied all the way from 7pm plus till 2am+++ 3am. sadd life eh. F&B i mus definitely score well. i love this subject super duper lot. really. hmmms. it rained at 10 plus okay. so shiok lehhs. hahhhs. daddy rushed home to send me to school . heehs. i`m really pampered eh? mummy also asked daddy come home fetch me to school which is just across my house. hahaaahahhaaa! reached school, studying for F&B too. RHT was quite crap? just wanna deliver a few main point . but it's good lurh. at least i did absorb a lil whilst studying? hahs. hmmms, den went for tutorial. test was pretty much easy as he revised with us.hahhs. he's a good lecturer / tutor la! hmmms, den went for intro. HTM. quite okay urh. her lessons is alwas so funnye. heehs. having a test next weeeek! AHHHHHHHHH! hahhs. shall prepare le. heeehs. after lecture and stuffs went to meet philbert, marcus lee, joel at biz canteen. den headed off to mushroom to meet liyong and joanne tham. hahhs. it's so crappy with us can. we girls are having a great time chatting and catching up. got some damn funny jokes la. i mean lame jokes. even joel dunno leh. LOL. this proves that joel aint lame. lols. aniwae, we headed to kfc to eat and chat and play la. funny lurh with them. headed hom took bus 293 home although it's only like go up bus for less den 5 mins i was lazii to walk home la. hahhs. denn, reached home, bought biscuits and milo again. my before bed meals. yupps. and here i am blogging. i tod tat u promised to be there for me 24/7 . i tod i could rely u. i tod i still haev that lill trust in that. but it all came down to nothing. i was sick. i called u although u told me to go sleep. i didnt sleep tat night. cus i hurt myself. i took a long time to go home. thus i bluff u i slept. i called u again before i slept and bluff u again tat i woke up. and u scolded me. u did apologise yes. but i didnt noe u could get so irritated with me. to u, it doesnt seem so. u sae i am darn important to u. it doesnt look like it. u can say can make me guilty and stuffs like tat. maybe i`m too gulliable. maybe i`m too naive. i shouldnt have put so much faith in you. neither should i ____ . i dun wish to cling onto any empty promises. i`ll forget and i`ll lead my life as it is. i dun wish to hurt, neither do i wish to accomodate. i dun wish to start so that it will not end. i dun wish to get entangled like how i was in the past and get myself all frustrated and upset over small lil stuffs. i just want to spend my time, my life happily with u guys just like tat. i noe that mani sacrifices have been made to make it possible. i do appriciate. i do wish to give it my best too. but i do not wish tat u willl not reap wad u sow. u are a nice person. i noe. up till now i`m still confused as to wad to do. let me take a break. gtg now ppl. sorry for not updating regularrly. u guys nva tag. now tagboard full den i blog . hahhhs. nites. TAGS REPLY : xiu hui : i`m fast ma! hahhhhs. not like u . so slow heeehs. yeaaps ying ye 3+1 is nice. i watching more video. ppstream is loved! LOLS. naemah : busy gives u an excuse not to visit my blg?! anyway, today li yong and i remembered about guo yu opening his blue umbrella in the macdonalds. damn hilarious and we bet u will still remember. HAHS! been long since wad? u saw me? miss me right. hahhhs. li yong : " hahhhhs " . lols. that's to yoos urh! not for me. heeehs. guo yu guo yu so funny! lols. *ant cycling past* everyday see u sia. hahhhs. kaili : dun lie ar kaili. miss me nva come my blog want. *whackks* hahhhs. yoos everyday study with my brother is it. or rather, weekend. hahhs. aniwae, how's ur results? need help call me lo. hahhhs .may not be good, but still can help. ^^ marinne : hahhhs. we fated ma. u miss me den i appear already. xD woman u take care too la! ^^ dun anihow anihow close down blog ar. i will break down and cry. HAHHs. amanda : G double O D J O B good job! hahhhs. idiot. make me sing here. so embarrassing. hkh : idiot la. ask u tag nva ask u to sae hi bye. make me super duper ultra sad can. and the game, fun right. i noe. thank me! alan : hahhhs. i will .. SOOON. heehhs. byeee! xoxo ![]() ![]() hello. sorry for the failure and lackk of updates. been VERY busy this few days. let me start with 8th of may? thursday. hmmms, i.. i.. went for RHT, den went home i think? yea. nothing much. 9th of may. hmmms. went to school at 1 plus since lecture starting at 2pm. end school at 6. was dragged to eat " zi char" with joel, marcus, bjorn, joey, chin keat, philbert, li yong. hahhhs. darn stupid one. lols. but ate le went slacking. den dey came over to my house block and slacked downstairs? yea. i went to work leaving them here. hahhhs. nothing much. saturday hmmms.. wad did i do? stay at home and watched ai zhuan jiao on the net as i was really too bored. at the same time is reluctant to go work. heehs. dragged myself down to bugis at only 7 plus? and after closing, went to pick up my mum from the airport had a surprise supper for her. she's touched. ate till 3. reached hom 3 plus. slept at 4. omg. next day woke up at 7am. meaning, i only had 3hrs of sleep. headed down to dover with the rest of the team for tp cap. team for tat day's event la. denn, played from 9-5pm. darn tiring . and hot. fun ye.a more details read amanda's blog. i got badly burnt and tanned. idiotic. after that, went over to cs, to meet marcus to celebrate his birthday with the guys. they are damn idiotic hahhhs. but funny. yesterday was typical, went to school at 9, ended at 5pm. headed to the prata shop at 400 plus with the guys again. idiot la. travel so far, yet prata feel so kns. hahhs. dun kill me horhs! LOL. gotta go study for tml's test already. bye. xoxo ![]() have alwas been wanting to post but was simply too lazy slacking around at home , sleeping lazing around. haven't been going out with friends so often. didnt went to work as often this week too. too tiring? sometimes, i really do need a break. today's post, gonna be alot of my tods my tods my tods. if dun wanna read nvm one. i hope it'll still be a happy post. ^^ after watching ying ye 3+ 1 { yea i know i`m slow. i dont wanna wait so watch it when all is loaded marhhhs! } i really felt alot for this show.. if you guys did watch, you would know.. sacrificing so much for the other party, really touched me alot. it made me recalled alot of stuffs which i dont wish to repeat animore. the focus will be on life. like my first sentence in this post. who knows when we might go up there? i mean, if. not being pestimistic but, this is part and parcel of life that we really cant expect. right now, i believe, mani of us have mani things we wish to do, but we dare not do and shy to do. this includes me of course. what is it tat we wanna do and finish up with the lifespan that we have. if there is a time limit known to us, and let us know how long we have left in earth, i bet mani of us will do the things tat we all love and will not regret. sometimes, i find myself, too shy, too not daring to really do some heartfelt stuffs. yes, i appear fun, crazy and daring to shout here and there. what i meant is, really to do stuffs that touches others and stuffs that i really want to do.. i really wish to cherish and spend every single minute wisely. not doubting, i still need time to sometimes take a breather and rest. but i really am happy. the joanne now, really is fully utilizing her time. my next goal, is to volunteer for stuffs and to get back to god. and the next goal in the line is to earn more money, study hard and to find my true love by 20. BY 20. actually, i have given up on BGR after being with my previous boy. i am really upset and felt really useless after being with him.. i gave up on wad are promises, what are eternity, what is " i love you " , " i miss you " .. i also given up loving. being loved. i have changed my style of doing things already. last time, yes. i really yearn for love and being loved, cuddle etc. now, i often ask myself.. is it worth it to be in love, and to end it again hurting myself all over again? like a chinese saying " 天下无不散之宴席" when you meet, there will be one day we will part. so why love in the first place. i know we ought to try. i know i ought to pick myself up. i`m 17 this year. next year 18. and i realise, time.. past so so so fast. i remember the time i came out from primary school to decided to go east spring or junyuan sec. and now, i`m already in the tertiary school. time really past by fast. i ought to cherish. so it's not tat i have another feeling for another guy or wad so ever. but it's purely, i do not wish to enter a relationship for the time being. i really dont wish to end certain things. it really hurts to think of endings and departs all these.. i need time to really get over my own heart knot. i really really wish to stay happy de lehh. but all these sort of feelings alwas come back to me. i wanna go sleep already lurh. this few days alot of watching drama, revision have been going on. wanna go shopping soon. have to start work soon too! ^^ bye! pls tag ppl. i really very sad to see no tag. xoxo ![]()
xoxo ![]() Instructions:Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have a blessing. 1.At what age do u wish to marry ? after i earn big bucks! heeehs. 2.What do you want the most now? i wannn, i wannn, i wann many many wishes ! 3.Who is the person you trust the most? hmmms, no one? my mum taught me not to trust anione devotedly! heeehs. 4.Do you think you have enough confidence? yea, i guess so. 5.If you have a dream to come true,what would it be? got! i would like to see myself able to help those more disabled. 6.What makes you happy? to see people i love happy. 7.What is your goal for this year? to acheive my desire results, and to keep this happy family ! 8.Do you believe in eternity love? after that once, i dont believe anymore. gave up hope. 9.Do you think you look good? yeaaps! heehs. i hope. at least, i dun look hideous can?! 10.What feeling you love the most? being hugged. ^^ blessed feeling lehh. 11.What feeling you hate the most? being alone . the feeling of everyone not around, u feel darn upset larhhs! 12.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours? yeaaps. i do, provided they do too la! no point me myself dere cherishing ... heeehs. 13.Do you believe in God? definitely. 14.What do you think is the most important thing in your life? with my strength , to stretch out to help more people i can. 15.Who do you hope to be always there for you? my loved friends at the RIGHT HAND PANEL of this blog. 16.Whose your best friend? -amanda, alwin, rambert, philbert, joel! they are all more den best friends la! 17.Who care for you the most? all of them all. like wad my collegue sae, i`m fortunate as they all dote me alot! ^^ even my cousins and parents. i`m like pampered?! heehs.but i will grow to be not la. 18.Which date you like the most? -7 october! LOL. 19.Do you believe there is fate and it's destined or it is the path you chose? yes. i believe, every route, there's a fate and destiny planned. 20.Do you believe love at first sight? nope! lauu, see me first time say love me. bullshit mannns! Starting time: 1.25am Name: Joanne Tan Sister: Jolene Tan Brother: Jeffery Tan Shoe size: 5 / 36 Height: 156cm *believe* Where you live: Tampines Blk.... dun tell yooos! Favourite drinks: Ice milo kosong! greenapple ice blend Favourite breakfast: i dun consume breakfast everyday, but yea, i love egg macmuffin! Have you ever been on a plane: yea, quite often. Swan in the ocean: stupid, i think i will drown. swimming pool still can la. ocean.. sharrks. =.=! no way! Fallen asleep in school? yeaaa! i alwas do heeehs. in the past during Geography lesson. oopps. Broken someone's heart? yea i did. many times. Fell off your chair? i`m so clumsy eh. wad yoos think! Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? yea, i dun sleep so early aniwae. Saved e-mails? i have this habit of saving emails which contains personal important messages. What is your room like? cute! lols. nahhhs! messy lurh. durh. i dun have time lehhhs! What's right beside you? my handphone with someone on the line waiting for me to finish answering the survey. *waits* What's the last thing you ate? i ate KFC! and and.. super duper ultra nice seafood beehoon soup. darn nice can! Ever had chicken pox? yupps. such a bad experience. Sore throat? It happens to me very often norhs. ppl who noe me will noe, due to my constant non stop constructive noises. heehs. Stitches? nope i think. Broken nose? hmmms, i think so. my mum commented that my nose is crooked today! that mother of mine. Do you believe love at first sight? nope. how many times do u want me to answer. so long u noe. i`m busy! heeehs. no lurhhs. hahhs. Like picnic? yea! it's fun! Who was the last person you danced with? i forgotten la. now bone all stiff. LOL. i dun remember seriously. Last made you smile? my mum made me smile just now! hahhs. You last yell at? alwin goh. who ask him to bully me?! Today did you talk to someone you like? yea! everyday i talk to everyone i like! Kiss anyone? noppes. heeehs. my pillow counted? Get sick? i just recovered not long ago wor! Talked to an ex? yea. like yesterday i bumped into one of my ex in school. Miss someoone? yea. alot. definitely i will miss all those i love deeply lurh. ^^ Eat? hmmms, mr danial commented that i`m too skinny the other day. perhaps i should start eating. hahhs! i am eating la! i just ate KFC REMEMBER?! Best feeling in the world? second time u ask. not lor sorh ah?this time i answer yooos... hmms. being loved! Do you sleep with stuffed animals? nono! i sleep with my pet dog! lols. nahhhs. my bolster is enough to let me HUG! What's under your bed? monster! Who do you really hate? why hate? waste my energy. loving is so much easier and happier! let's love! What time is it now? : 1.43am Randoms:Q: Q:there a person who is on your mind right now? yeaaa. wanna noe who?! Q:Do you have any siblings? yupps. i just mention la survey. Q:Do you want children? yeaa. they are adorable! Q:Do you smile often? yea. i do . why feel sad infront of others?! Q:Do you like your handwriting? small but i likke! Q:Are your toenails painted? nope. too lazi today. Q:Who's bed other than yours would you rather sleep in? dunno leh. i get married le sleep new master bed lo! Q:What colour shirt are you wearing? whitee! Q:What were you doing at 7pm yesterday? playing pool with the guys. Q:I can't wait till? the day i am able to reach out to help more people esp. teens. Q:When did you cry last? carn remember. i dun wish to aniwae. Q:Are you a friendly person? i make friends easily. too nooisy. thus, friendly? dunno ! =X Q:Do you have any pets? 1 dog, 8 hamsters, 1 fish. Q:Where is the person you have feelings for right now? everywhere! i have feelings for so many people! Q:Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now? hmmms, last ar. quite long ago, but yea. meant alot bahhhs. guess who?! Q:Do you sleep with the TV on? i close my eyes and sleep. i dont sleep with my eyes open! hahhs. Q:What are you doing right now? waiting for another person to call. i`m busy. x) Q:Have you ever crawled through a window? i dreamt that i became small and flew out of my window! considered? Q:Can you handle the truth? heartwrecking one i dont think so. i have a weak heart. so dont scare me people! lols. Q:Are you too forgiving? yup. that's what my mum claims. she scolds me stupid . =.=! Q:Are you closer to your mother or father? both! Q:Who was the last person you cried in front of? i dont cry infront of my friends or beloved ones already. so i doubt i remember. Q:How many person can you say you've really loved? 10. my ex, daddy, mummy, sister, brother, grandma, maid, ah fen jie jie, mao mao. one more! dont tell you. Q:Do you eat healthy? i eat junks. or dont eat. hehs. sometimes la. i dont eat veggie tat's true. Q:Do you still have pictures of you and your ex? yea. i do . dont wish to look at it. Q:Have you ever cried because of something said to you? i alwas do. Q:How often do you go to church? veri long le. i backslided. hais. Q:If you're having a bad day, who are you likely to go to? alwin or amanda. mostly keep it to myself lurh. Q:Are you loud or quiet most of the time? i`m a quiet and a shy girl. people who noe me should noe . HOR?! heehs. Q:Are you confident? yeap. quite confident lurh. i buey pai seh one. LOL. yea i am. seriously. TAGGED TO : Amanda ; Joel ; xin tze ; sophia ; theresa; xiaoyun ; alwin -anyone who reads this blog and wish to do. just copy paste! nyeahahhhs. xoxo ![]() ![]() hello. sorry for the lack of updates. been pretty tiring these few days. i`m so tired out and exhausted everyday. doing my work to late nights. poly life aint easy hor! =.=! aniwae, shall think back and start to post properly. hmmms.. from tuesday. 29/8/2008 : went to school early in the morning. hmmms. not bad ar, early bird lehhs.. eeehs. went for F&B lecture. i swear i really love F&B now. omg. lols. i love F&B fundamental la! jinghui is being stupid lo. LOL. she's darn hilarious. she "pei he wo" lo. heeehs. and hmms. had break in between, went to ITAS school canteen to eat with half the class. yupp. half or rather 3/4? yea. hmmms. den headed to tutorial for communication skills. wahhhhs.we have to prepare alot stuffs for the test coming up. 600 words essay minimum. i really really swear, i love mdm noreha to the core. lols. not just now! BUT PREVIOUSLY TOO! heeehs. now i noe why she taught all those stuffs that i was so darn reluctant to learn. now, i am able to use it! i love it lo. i`m loving english, and mdm noreha if u are reading this, [ i hope ] , wanna tell u, i still wun disappoint u, will keep ur promise to yoos! ^^. den den, had macroecons tutorial. seriously, the tutor is better than the lecturer la. ^^ den after that headed home. 30/4/2008 : hmmms, went to school at around 11.15am, reached at 11.30am. went for lecture for research hospitality and tourism. ok la. not bad. quite tough. LOL. but i will sort it out with jing hui. she's smart norh.. F&B tutorial is darnn fun lehhs. heeehs. the video on mac made me hungry, but at the same time i will be cautious with the nurtitious values of it.. i will not take mac so often le la.. heeehs..den den, went for intro to HTM. so fast end one lorh. i love that teacher lurhhhs.. ^^ interesting lessons lehhhs. after that i went down to work after school.. kept reminding the people there dun eat mac. like mad like tat. den i kept playing with bubbles. heeeehs. i sound childish, but i dunno why, i behave this way.. too childish le la. hahs. came home and did my article. so damn tired. and did till 4? i like whole article look in depth. and den i asked myself the question possible for the exam. think the whole night. tired den went ot sleep. 1/5/2008: thurs woke up, went to work. =.=! too tiring le like that chiong. but no choicee! people might say, i am financially ok, why work? i dunno too. dun ask me. not for money for experience and to widen my network circle ba.. yea. and i took up another job so in total i have 3 jobs now. still having my studies, so i must not must not slack. thus, i will work hard. ^^ today: went to school at 10 plus. taxis hates me and dun wish to drive me to school . i turn away taxi go past. i wait no taxi. so frustrating lo! i walked to school den. idiiot. want me save money right?! lols. hmmms, den went for lab for RHT. after that went to slack with JH &RQ. dey damn pei he me one. really. lols. found ppl like tiffany. heeehs. went back for lecture at 2 pm . macroecons, omg. abit confusing. but thankfully, my dear jing hui love this sub so i got a good and pro consultant! ^^ next was communication skills. which was normal la. yea. need to do another 6 article. =.=! [edit] after that, went to meet philbert, edwin, joel at the basketball court playing soccer?! den after that we went over to safra to play pool to meet rambert and jun liangg. rambert damn pro can?! OMG HE GOT HACK LA. lols. rambert,yoos still owe me an one on one match. lols. i chicked out la. u too pro. i go brush up first. LOL. so fun playing pool with them can?! lols! denn we went home la.. phil took 28, joel waited for bus at the 933 busstop dere? yea. and den me and ram walked to another side to take bus.. crapped alot la. he idiot. big bully. nvm, i`ll have my revenge someday. den headed down to bugis to close shop tiring sia! [/edit] till the end of the post i more and more in a hurry to go off. cus i am darn tired already la. but netherless, i will reply tags tml. really verii tired now. nights. and to you know who, take care of your hands. byee! xoxo |
![]() profile I`m simply a girl with the name of Joanne Tan. I am a child of God, and I simply love God with the bottom of my heart. I`m turning 18 soon in oct-7-2009. I realise alot more when I come to recognise his voice. The voice of truth, courage and love. My life took a turn on the 17th of May 2008.with the addition of joy through my loving CG & unit. That's when i realise that there's so much more to life, than the life that I've found mine, what about you? Goals- - Grow myself to a CL. - See people's life transformation. - To lift Jesus's name on High. speak out! - way back - November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 Precious ones- amanda cassandra Daamanda Edwyna geckting Hui Fang jenny Marinne mei yi Naemah pei qi shirley Wei ru Wen Hui credits skin by: Jane |