Saturday, August 23, 2008 @ 10:44 AM

hmms.. how long have it been since i update? well.. verii verii long. continue to tag more, i`ll post. hmmms.. alot happened.. and right now, it's the exam period.. i dunno why but i dun seem panic and stress about it? actually a lil. for the glory of the kingdom i`ll jiayou.. but no matter wad, i`ll be the eventual winner! eternal, not temporal. but still, glorify him. yupps..

i dunno when i`ll post again. bet it wont be fast. me having a blog = not having one. not updated also. hohos. aniwae, have been busy with stuffs.. yupps. right now , i`m really tired . shall post next time.

bye. continue to tag. =)

i wanna ask myself this.. when is the last time i have a sad, emotic, upsetting post?

this few days.. it seriously made me ponder alot.. i dunno what's going on inside me.. i dunno what's going on with me.. i just carn seem to bother much.. i just carn seem to control my temper.. i need help.. gosh.. it all seems like i`m gonna dry up.. i`m gonna burst anytime.. i tod i could hold on.. god.. refresh me.. take away the hatred and take away the anger in me.. i need the peace and calm and the most quiet heart deep within... i`m so so so tired..



I`m simply a girl with the name of Joanne Tan. I am a child of God, and I simply love God with the bottom of my heart. I`m turning 18 soon in oct-7-2009. I realise alot more when I come to recognise his voice. The voice of truth, courage and love. My life took a turn on the 17th of May 2008.with the addition of joy through my loving CG & unit. That's when i realise that there's so much more to life, than the life that I we have been living. Have you found the life purpose that will last till you die?

I've found mine, what about you?


- Grow myself to a CL.
- See people's life transformation.
- To lift Jesus's name on High.
speak out! -