![]() 看见月婷与我的绵羊的博克,也启发了我想用华文打字的兴趣! 想一想我也有几个月没用华文打字了!是时候让我练习以免我把我的言语都忘光了! 不知不觉的一年就这样的过去了. 在去年的这个时候,我应该是在我妈店里帮忙吧! 在今年,年头时,我还在等成绩呢! 担心,害怕,焦虑种种的心情都在我心里打转! 总算度过了那叫人怀念的时刻了! 这句话相当的矛盾.. 对!那时的日子还算真的度日如年啊! 但现在回想起来,真的好像是我生命中热血沸腾的日子吧! O levels! 在这2008年里可算是我生命中的一个大转变! 我真的很感谢那一直追着我,想紧紧抱住我的父亲.. 如果没有了他那永不放弃我的心,我想我现在应该还沉醉在那让人咬牙切齿的心情吧! 这简直是让我惭愧不已.. 我骂过他,羞辱过他,从他身边逃走, 沉入了这世界的一分子, 做了一些让他不开心的事...简直觉得我不配让那伟大的神爱我! 但他那大大的包容心,简直是让我的心不断的忏悔着, 感谢着.. 在我17年以来我从未任他为我的主,我的耶和华,我的神.. 但他却拼命的, 不断的, 不停的爱着我这犯过许许多多罪的罪人.. 好伟大的爱,好宽容的心,好了不起的上帝! 这让我想起了一些我从未要去想的过去..但我觉得竟然我都度过了, 学过了,我也想要把我的经过的分想给大家, 好让一些正在经历着的能设法用另一个角度去看, 那些从未度过的呢,也能从中学习到一些,了解一些... 我所说的,分享的纯粹是我个人的经历与想法,无须太认真,但还是听听看吧... 到底在这世界上能获得什么,什么东西能让人满足,能让你一生快乐呢? 我曾经以为爱情,金钱,职位能满足我永远填不完的心.. 爱情就像我前一个所分享的, 在这年纪-17 是没有天长地久,一生一世的诺言.. 的确,可能有, 但是在是还蛮稀少了吧.. 在我16岁时, 我还以为, 爱情能让我一生不用愁了,以为有了保障,但事实上,在那感情里,能找的到能一起度过,一直到老的安全感吗?有许许多多的不愉快,甚至还揪起了一些不堪的想法, 一些可能回想起, 会觉得幼稚的做法... 想一想, 身边的朋友, 拥有几个前男友了? 实际上, 感情有好有坏, 但我认为, 现在的青少年里,爱情这两个字最深的意思已奄奄一息了.. 在爱情中除了爱,关怀与快乐,还能找到更多吗? 可能吧.. 但我所经过的,真的,我看不到承诺与信任了.. 我很爱很爱我的主, 因为我在他身上找到一直找不到的真爱, 不被破灭的希望,也找到了,生命的价值! 可能现在的你很想与我辩论这话题,但这真的是我的想法,可能对你来说,我所说的, 都不对吧!但我的信念,就是这-爱那深爱着我的耶和华上帝,我父亲... 金钱能买到所有的一切吗? 我想这是一个人们纷纷在讨论的话题吧.. 我生长在一个不许劳动但能有我想要的家庭里, 也不是一个非常富有的家庭.. 在我小时候,我记得,父母亲都忙碌与工作, 很少有家庭聚会的日子.. 当时,我真的很渴望拥有像朋友一样的温暖家庭.. 虽然朋友们家庭只有够钱能过日子,买日常用品之类.. 但那温暖的气息,真是能让人渴望.. 我想,金钱也买不到亲情, 也有许许多多买不到的... 钱,也不能带进棺材里啊! 职位,在这竞争激烈的社会里,人心险恶,勾心斗角, 简直是让人头昏脑胀! 为了一个职位,可能还会赔上你一生的精力于生命.. 除了荣耀,与眼光,你能怎样呢?我还不大了解在社会里工作的情况,但据我了解,职位,不可能让你有永远的满足感.. 人的本性是有了一个,想得到另一个... 永远无法满足的心... 我想,我真的找到了什么是永远,什么是爱,什么是生命了! =)希望你也能拥有这无条件,无限的爱!- The love from my heavenly Father!=)) 再见哦! 希望这对读者有更深的了解,能从中领悟到一些道理! =) bye byeee! =)) xoxo ![]() back from ESS service @ nexus auditorium. Just read Kaili's blog and i feel so much towards it, i mean, thoughts did ran through my mind. Not gonna talk about spiritual things and stuff, for today, it's just gonna be how i used to have blog. been so long since i look deep down into my heart and blog with my clearest state of mind. Love- what it is? Love, what have it been like? For those who know me, i`ve been thru a r/s that lasted for 2&half years. It's a long journey yes. But inbetween, felt that there's so much for me to think about. When was the time that i gave my hands to be held tightly to? When was the time when i gave my first kiss to? when was the time that i hugged onto someone so tightly just because i missed him? How have it been like to go through Ups&Downs with the other party. How was it like to give your all to the other party? All these aint that clear in my conscience mind, all in my sub-conscience mind. all felt so long ago, but still it's there. Some people ask me: " hey joanne, are u sure you are single? " To some, it's a lil funny to know i`m unattached. looking back at my life, i was never single for more that 3 months. To people, i may be not myself if i`m single. cus hey, joanne is always attached with someone, why not now? I've changed. I dont see any value in man R/S anymore. Not that there's no value, but just feel that at this age, what's the point of having a r/s when i`m only 17? i mean, attached, then? married? it aint proper too. What i`m driving at is simple. A r/s now wont get me anywhere. yes, it's romantic, yes it's comforting when you're upset your boy is there for you. yes, it is not boring for you have someone as companion. who says parents cannot comfort you? who says parents cannot company you? well right now i dont proclaim loudly that i am setting a good example for what i stated above, but i do wish to say, i see no point in r/s at such an age. Yes, hurting to some, but i seriously want to say, i do not see anythinng in r/s anymore. Things happen again and again - fear? maybe. but mainly, i have much more to focus on, and i've found the one to love, the reason to love. The reason in God. The love With God. It's incredible. only when you've a r/s with God, you'll understand why. really. Man fail you times and again, but my God never fails me. that's what i have went through, and i hold onto this strongly! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- shall end that topic there. i bet there's many people who silently reads my blog and wish to understand more about my life etc. I really want to say, i love my life w God, not because he's powerful, but because he love me no matter who i am, no matter what i've done before. Have you ever felt outcasted because u done something wrong? have you ever felt wronged and feel that you've no one to sought no one to seek? have you ever felt so lost that you wish to just die and end it all off? have you ever felt yourself being v. emotional and wish to just cry because you dont even know what's wrong? I have gone thru all these before, in fact, i am still facing it. But i have someone to seek comfort in, i have someone that can bring me joy in times of trouble. i have someone who can be mightier than all the problems that seems too big for me to handle. God is that someone and God does it all. Seriously, i aint boasting, i aint telling and blogging just because i'm obligated to, i am blogging because i feel that i've indeed learnt much more and indeed experience that very unique love. Really hope that readers out there will think about it. who's there for you ALL THE TIME in times of need and trouble? Think about the questions above. are they all left unanswered? I've never felt so peaceful and joyful before i came to know christ. I feel so different now. Shall blog about what's coming up next in line for me! WELCOME PEI JUN INTO THIS BIG BIG FAMILY IN CHRIST! LOVE YA! =)) with loves, joanne. =)) xoxo ![]() long time ago.. ![]() goodness gracious! my oh my, the time now : 3am. why so late, well, doing project, looking at some sources and reading indepth into my precious lil bible! on a lighter note: My blogg song do makes me go high high high! at least, i dont have a blog song that makes one cry, troubled, pull hair, whine.. nono! xD aniwae, went out with 4e2 today, it's great lurh. some changed, some still as idiotic as ever, some still as fun as ever. but guess what, only 6 chi guys turn up, 2 chinese girls, 2 malay girls, 7 malay guys if i am not wrong. 4e2 !! where are you people! let's have another gatheringg! shall upload the photos all except diyana-who's lazy ![]() i simply miss the time that we go slack at mac from 2pm-6pm just waiting for time to pass. i simply miss the times when we play around in class chasing each other out of class. i simply miss the times when we mimick ms thiru, i simply miss the timess when we try to prank noreha. i simply miss the times when we try to do kallang wave behind a teacher's back. i simply miss the times when we purposely slack somewhere. i simply miss the times when we will crap with ms liu, mdm too.. simply too, memorable! Life goes on, when i asked about their lives, i think many went, boring, out of school already, like tat lo, tiring. Many are at the point of tiredness and boredom. I guess, we simply cant adapt to the lifestyle of new friends and new zone to fit into. - i bet they miss 4e2! hahahhs! planning to go back esss during new year to get ang bao. *hints* . went sempang bedok to have my sausage carbonara & my coke cost me 12bucks. hah. but it's worth the price for this precious gathering. went home earlier for my phone died on me @ 9.30pm sharp. wow. it's okay! and thanks edwin for your sms! =) singer's ministry! let's jiayou! ![]() Been to the ministry meet last sunday and it's great to hear stories of the WAM and how it came about. Testimonies were shared too and know alot more sister and brothers moree! we're a family, not alone, but together. yupp! why are we doing what we are doing - it's because we love God, not because we love singing, not because we love playing instruments, but we love God. that's why we give our all up to Him! - by WanQi. Yup, i think it's real important never to forget why are we serving, it serve no purpose if we are serving blindly for the sake of doing it because it's a habit already. yupp! that's about it and i shall go off to cook my noodles before i fall alseep in a hungry state! bye! and enjoy my songs readers! salute! xoxo ![]() back at night after i tidy up my house piled up with every single kind of things ranging from erasers to big model cars. around 7 big cardboard boxes filled over brim.. wow. it took me 3hrs plus man! but thank God the heap of mountain seems smaller. consistency is trained here! as i looked at weiru's blog, i know where the source is from. i read it at another blog too. well, personally, what i experienced this week with God, is indeed beyond what you can understand. 1) God is faithful hearing the testimonies by how God bless the church from nothing to what we have today mikes etc. The period of time, it was tough and things wasnt easy, but yet, God still made a way and changed nothing to something. That's what God is capable of doing too! Although many points of time it was tough, but God's faithfulness made it all possible. if it happens God isnt faithful, he can just bless the WAM with just 1 guitar , no drum, no piano, no mike. what's gonna happen? although the process was not short but i believe people who've been to nexus will agree with me, The HOUSE OF GOD is furnished with God's Faithfulness and Delieverance! well, i think, with man alone, all these is not possible! 2) God is never late Just recently i experienced something extrodinary. and God just showed me how near he is to me, and how close he is - just beside me. many points of time, we feel that we're in this situation " die la, cannot one la..." " wah lauu, why like that?" " impossible la.. she already like tat sae liaooo... " " why is this happening to me? no one can understand me..." why do we feel empty, why do we feel helpless why do we feel so pestimistic. How are we able to be satisfied with life? how are we able to face all these? i believe, we're never satisfied with what we have. For example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ john : mummy, i want the sony ericsson phone K800i. I like, i promise i wont buy another phone already.. really mummy. Mum: But you already have a phone, dear. john: no! but it's spoilt! please mummy, pretty pleaseee? :))) mum: okkay. 4 months later john: Mummy, can i have the Iphone? Mum: but my dear, you've just bought your K800I. and you promised you wont buy another one already. John: but mummy, i dont like it anymore, i like another one. i want i want.. and it goes on and on.. ___________________________________________________________________ Generally, Humans are never satisfied with what we have, we'll just want to have more, even if we get what we want, does the happiness last? maybe first month you'll get the thrill of it, you'll go round showing others what u own. prolly after 6 months, you'll hide what you own.. true? i myself, used to fall in this trap. Things wont last, our possessions wont last. We CANT CANT CANT carry it to our grave. we cant carry it and die together with it. so what? It'll all come to an end. All possessions, the more you have, the more you're afraid to lose it, the more you'll want more of other things. people, I know some of you know what i am driving at.. Yes, Jesus's love. Till today, i feel so deeply love. Till today, I still feel as fresh as i was when i first came to know Him.. In R/S there's alwas a cliche: I love you forever, I want to be with you 1314, i want to marry you in future. Not that it doesnt exist, maybe it does. But how many of these promises u heard came true? just how mani? maybe your parents? true, What about yourself? I`ve found something which will really last. whenever i`m sad, seriously, i will just pluck in to my earpiece, flip thru my songlist and play a song - tentatively a worship song. I will just pray to God, and naturally, seriously, naturally, i`m comfortted. i`m healed, i`m nursed. I believe, those who do not have this r/s with God will ask me, How he nurse you? how he heal you? you cant even see him? IS THIS YOUR DOUBT? well, i`ve experienced it myself, i`m not joking. God promised more that 6000 things in the bible and he have never fail to keep his promise. he have never fail to leave me and forsake me. How wonderful is this God.. Let me leave you with this Q, who do you turn to when you are upset? your friends? your religion? your family? or you keep it to yourself? How will your friends help you with the problem? how will your family help you with your problem? how do you feel towards all those? well, i've found an endless source which provides me with the happiness and joy that i cannot contain. you'll never know how amazing it is, till you experienced him yourself! till den, would like to open this invitation to all : 24th December 2008 - The Gift service @ the Rock auditorium from 2pm-4pm. it's gonna be a service full of songs, drama and i think the most important factor of christmas, is to know why are you celebrating christmas. Is it about santa? is it about gifts or isit about turkey? Come and get yourself a answer that you might have never known. Give it a try, I know, it's gonna be a special night full of Love.... 27th December 2008- A special service with a drama, song presentation and prise&Worship. I believe, this is a time for us to get together to know more friends and to spend your last saturday of holidays(poly people) with a cool community, i assure you, it's gonna be a real different experience. Anyone Interested do give me a call / drop me an SMS @ 96636583 Or you can email me at joanne_342@hotmail.com Any questions with regards to what i post and wish to know more, email me too. Wish to hear from you readers sooon! xoxo ![]() finally revamped my blog and changed to a simpler skin, nicer to the eyes and a skin that will motivate me to blog. quite alot to update perhaps. shall update about what i`ve been doing this time round! 1. Cruise Trip. i`ve been on cruise for the 4th time and it's still somehow the same. the food, the entertainments. what's different this time round i went with a heart of peace. the heart to experience more than just fun.. first night, went in, helped myself to the feast at buffet.. food that really make ones drowl. after that, it was a night of experiencing the breeze with my sister & brother. well, it's really good to stop once in awhile to experience the nature and to get myself refreshed. busy-ness will tie us down. was glad and it's really great. after enjoying the breeze, it was a night of KTV session with my family. i`m amazed by how my sister and brother have grown to like singing. they use to dislike singing and will get angry, if they're offered the mike. i`m amazed too, by how we snatch mike and play along. drank and played. it was a night of bonding. after that, went back to the room and slept. tired man! Second day woke up early and went to have breakfast. =) i think it's great to have breakfast until you are full kind.. hahh. well, after that, we went for a swim! me, my brother, my sister & daddy. well, swimming and relaxed myself. i exercised! YAY. well, after swimming , i went to the jacuzzi pool. it's freaking Hot.. soonafter, it was better. i really felt so different being in the jacuzzi alone.. just me, the sky & my heavenly Father.. was praying for the harvest, praying for people and just spending time with God speaking to him.. listening to him.. it's awesome. i`ve never felt so relaxed with God.. most of the time when i speak to God, it's more of requesting and problems that arises that makes me feel uncomfortable. this experience allowed me to know, what it is like to share joy with God.. amen? =) rejoice in the tough times too! after swimming, bath went to the arcade. I always feel that going to the arcade is throwing money to feed the machines... i dont get happiness from it leh! why? cus my happiness comes from God. hahhhs! den went for lunch, den dinner with family. after dinner was the time for me to go back to watch my mr. Bean. hahhhs. dinner was not that nice. it's a posh restaurant like. and my brother couldnt enter because of his 3/4 shorts. thus, after eating the not full meal. we went to the buffet place to have dinner again. now i realise why i really can eat already. - getting fatter =( . the next day, woke up at 6am to have my breakfast at the buffet place again. it's always satisfying man! =) before the breakfast, i went to the ship's deck to take pictures, to sit by the benches and just listen to the sound of the wind. it's really really niceeeee! after breakfast was a time of packing for us & a time to watch TV. after that, went to have lunch again before we leave that ship. overall, it's really a relaxing trip at least, there's no involvement of business from my parents. 2. Eldest Cousin's wedding dinner i think this is really a time for my cousins to gather together to know each other more. l et pictures do the talking! below are pictures with my cuzzies except for one, with my aunt. guess which. LOL. salute! xoxo ![]() This story was written by a doctor who worked in South Africa...it's true. it didnt fail to touch me. read it read it! bet you'll understand something after reading. you'll be amazed!! One night I had worked hard to help a mother in the labour ward; but inspite of all we could do, she died leaving us with a tiny premature baby and a crying two-year-old daughter. We would have difficulty keeping the baby alive, as we had no incubator (we had no electricity to run an incubator). We also had no special feeding facilities. Although we lived on the equator, nights were often chilly with treacherous drafts. One student midwife went for the box we had for such babies and the cotton wool that the baby would be wrapped in. Another went to stoke up the fire and fill a hot water bottle. She came back shortly in distress to tell methat in filling the bottle, it had burst (rubber perishes easily in tropical climates). "And it is our last hot water bottle!" she exclaimed. As in the West, it is no good crying over spilled milk, so in Central Africa it might be considered no good crying over burst water bottles. They do not grow on trees, and there are no drugstores down forest pathways. "All right," I said, "put the baby as near the fire as you safely can, and sleep between the baby and the door to keep it free from drafts. Your job is to keep the baby warm." The following noon, as I did most days, I went to have prayers with any of the orphanage children who chose to gather with me. I gave the youngsters various suggestions of things to pray about and told them about the tiny baby. I explained our problem about keeping the baby warm enough, mentioning the hot water bottle, and that the baby could so easily die if it got chills. I also told them of the two-year-old sister, crying because her mother had died. During prayer time, one ten-year old girl, Ruth, prayed with the usual blunt conciseness of our African children. "Please, God" she prayed, "send us a water bottle. It'll be no good tomorrow, God, as the baby will be dead, so please send it this afternoon." While I gasped inwardly at the audacity of the prayer, she added by way of a corollary, "And while You are about it, would You please send a dolly for the little girl so she'll know You really love her?" As often with children's prayers, I was put on the spot. Could I honestly say,"Amen". I just did not believe that God could do this. Oh, yes, I know that He can do everything, the Bible says so. But there are limits, aren't there? The only way God could answer this particular prayer would be by sending me a parcel from homeland. I had been in Africa for almost four years at that time, and I had never, ever received a parcel from home. Anyway,if anyone did send me a parcel, who would put in a hot water bottle? I lived on the equator! Halfway through the afternoon, while I was teaching in the nurses' training school, a message was sent that there was a car at my front door. By the time I reached home, the car had gone, but there, on the verandah,was a large twenty-two pound parcel. I felt tears pricking my eyes. I could not open the parcel alone, so I sent for the orphanage children. Together we pulled off the string, carefully undoing each knot. We folded the paper, taking care not to tear it unduly. Excitement was mounting. Some thirty or forty pairs of eyes were focused on the large cardboard box. From the top, I lifted out brightly colored, knitted jerseys. Eyes sparkled as I gave them out. Then there were the knitted bandages for the leprosy patients, and the children looked a little bored. Then came a box of mixed raisins and sultanas - that would make a batch of buns for the weekend. Then, as I put my hand in again, I felt the.....could it really be? I grasped it and pulled it out - yes, a brand-new, rubber hot water bottle. I cried. I had not asked God to send it; I had not truly believed that He could. Ruth was in the front row of the children. She rushed forward, crying out, "If God has sent the bottle, He must have sent the dolly too!" Rummaging down to the bottom of the box, she pulled out the small, beautifully dressed dolly. Her eyes shone! She had never doubted! Looking up at me, she asked: "Can I go over with you, Mummy, and give this dolly to that little girl, so she'll know that Jesus really loves her?" That parcel had been on the way for five whole months. Packed up by my former Sunday school class, whose leader had heard and obeyed God's prompting to send a hot water bottle, even to the equator. And one of the girls had put in a dolly for an African child - five months before, in answer to the believing prayer of a ten-year-old to bring it "that afternoon." "Before they call, I will answer" (Isaiah 65:24) wow. God spoke to me in such a weird way! i was randomly searching my past mails to look for a email with the story about this parent who lost their 3 kids consecutively. ( anyone know the source let me know) till i was at the last page, i saw this email naming " awesome God " . ii was like, wow, i was a non-believer previously.. but yet, God still never fail to send his words to me.. it really made me realise, God have been doing so much to bring me over, to love me once again. This story, made me realise, before I do anything, or ask, God already have a plan and will send his help accordingly. Isn't it amazing! jiayou people!I believe, God will help us when you earnestly seek and look unto him! let yourself be able to walk with him, so that God will guide u and help u in all that you do ! jiayou sisters & brothers ! xoxo ![]() TEN ARE YOUS 1. Are you single - Yes. 2. Are you happy - yupps! 3. Are you bored - nope when i`m currently doing this. hoho. 4. Are you fair - nope! hahhs. i`m tanned! 5. Are you Italian - hmms. nope! singapourienne! :D 6. Are you intelligent - yesyesyes!! 7. Are you honest - hmmms! I think so! 8. Are you nice - yes. i`m nice. hoho. 9. Are you Irish - Nopee! 10. Are you Asian - Yupps! TEN FACTS 1. Full Name - Joanne Tan Hui Fen 2. Nicknames - jo, ant, monkey 3. Birth place - Singapore- i dunno where too. :( 4. Hair color - Dark brown/lightbrown. 5. Natural hair style - straight. 6. Eye colour - brownnish. 7. Birthday - 07.october 2008 8. Mood - elated! 9. Favorite color - Black, purple, pink, blue 10. One place you'd like to visit - zoo~ TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE 1. Have you ever been in love - Yes. 2. Do you believe in love at first sight - yupps. 3. Do you currently have a crush? - nope. 4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - definitely, but i`m healed by God! hahhhs! 5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - yeaaa. :( 6. Have you ever had your heart broken - yupps. used to, my heart is filled up with Love! 7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - yeaaa! 8. Are you afraid of commitment - noppe! but now, i dun wish to commit. ^^ 9. Who was the last person you hugged - my bolster. heehehs. 10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? - Shirley Kam. TEN THIS OR THAT 1. Love or lust - Love. 2. Hard liquor or beer -hard liquor, wine. 3. Cats or dogs - DOGS! DIAMONDDD! 4. A few best friends or any regular friends - sisters & brothers in chirst! 5. Creamy or Crunchy - crunch crunch!~ 6. Pencil or Pen - colourpencil. 7. Wild night out or romantic night in - romantic night in.. hahhs. 8. Money or Happiness - Happiness. 9. Night or day - Night, definitely. 10. IM or phone - PHONE! TEN HAVE YOU EVER 1. Been caught sneaking out - yupps. but i`m a good girl now! lols. nahhs. 2. Seen a polar bear - i dont know. 3. Done something you regret - yes. i regretted not going to the toilet before i type this. 4. Bungee jumped - nope, but it's great if i`m able to do that! 5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - nonono. i will get indigestions. 6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - what is a jaw breaker? .___. 7. Been caught naked - nopppe! 8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - used to . 9. Cried because you lost a pet - yeaaa! i lost lancy previously before diamond! and i cried! 10. Wanted to disappear - not anymore! i wanna appear. LOL TEN PREFERENCES IN A PARTNER 1. Smile or eyes - both! 2. Light or dark hair - dark. 3. Hugs or kisses - huggs. 4. Shorter or taller - taller than me, because i`m tall. 5. Intelligence or attraction - attractions. 6. Topman or Zara - parsa malam. LOL. any! 7. Funny or serious - moderate! 8. Older or Younger - same age or older ! 9. Outgoing or quiet -outgoing! cus i think i`m gonna be quite quiet *LOL* no laa. i`ll be too noisy! 10. Sweet or Bad - Sweet! TEN HAVE YOUS 1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - yupps , still gonna perform for God! 2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - yeaa! w amanda to camp for PQ~ 3. Ever tried walking on your hands - yea! but i failed. 4. Ever been to a rock concert - dont know if it's considered! CHURCH!it's coool~ 5. Ever been on a cheerleading team - i guess so! with my pom poms........ .____. 6. Ever been on a dance team - yupps! 7. Ever been on a sports team - yupps! sports day and i sprain somepart of my body. LOL 8. Ever been in a drama play/production - yuppps. 9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - no, i just want a seven sitter! 10. Ever been in a rap video? - noppe. i have problems speaking recently already. LOL. too fast! TEN... LASTS 1. Last phone call you made - To pei qi. 2. Last person you hugged - bolsterrr~ pillars~ 3. Last person you hung out with - shirley. 4. Last time you worked - few weeks ago. gonna resume soon. hoho. 5. Last person you talked to - shirley but she's not talking now. hahhs. 6. Last person you IM'd - liying! 7. Last person you texted - elizabeth! 8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with - CG! to watch beverly hill's chihuahua! 9. Last person/thing you missed - CG! 10. Last website visited - blogger blogger!~~ TEN... PEOPLE TO DO THIS 1. Amanda Loh 2. Alexia 3. Shirley 4. Dorothy 5. Geckting 6. jenny 7. priscilla 8. Sarah 9. Pei qi 10. Wei ru tadaa~ i`m done edwynaaa! see la. make me do such a quiz. v tedious u noe. xoxo ![]() Do take a few mins to watch this movie. It's touching to me. It's worth your time. really. The Bridge This video really showed me God's love. sometimes, love is not what we feel only. But it's about how we understand the love we're given. Take some time to think. What makes u feel love. do the love makes u feel love all the time? yes, in a christian's life, there will be problems which causes unhappiness, but if i choose to claim God's word, the love will be there. in my life. To explain this video: there's this father who have this son he love very much. who he will play with, chat with, and share life with. a very close father and son relationship. This father is working in a train station and the son will begin to see the joy in this job. The son saw many different people in the train. people who are angry, hurting, addicted, or happy. all sorts of them, just commoners. However, on one faithful day, the train came unexpectedly when the father pulled the bridge up. The father could have been able to rush to the station to pull the lever. However, his son was too, wanted to save the train from crashing. the son went to the railway to try to lift the lever but he could not and he fell into the corner where the bridge will be connected to. The train was coming at a fast speed. The father, have to make a choice, both will be painful. What can he do? 1) to not lift the lever and let the train crash, but saves his son. 2) to lift the lever up but crash his own son. It was a painful decision, but he decided to lift the lever up. and crash his own son. Not to say the father was heartless, the father didnt value the son, or the son did something wrong and the father is dying to kill him. No. Infact, the father love his son more than anything else in the world. He made a decision to sacrifice his son in order to save the hundreds of lives. This above shows is exactly how God loves us. we are the people on the train. the commoners. his son is Jesus Christ. This is always heard " For God so love the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes shall not perish but have eternal life.." John 3:16. i believe even if we arent christians, we do hear this. Never did i took a minute to comprehend the love behind these 2 sentences before i came to know God.. why, why did God choose to save us despite knowing how bad we are, how not pleasing we are.. u might think that this is ridiculous, but becus after he saves us, he knows, he'll be able to spread his love and be able to save more lives. It's hurting to God, but God knows, that we are his children too and if he does not save us, who saves? I`m forever living in an ignorant life, if i am not given a chance to know God again. It's all in my mind. To choose to come to know him or not.. If i did not gave myself this chance, i think , i will never be able to experience his love. yes, my life previously before i know God was happy, my life was great, my life was filled with laughter and happiness. BUT I AM NEVER SATISFIED WITH WHATEVER I HAVE, FOR I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS MY ETERNAL PURPOSE IN LIFE. this lifetime, i am happy, where would i be, if i was to die? I am glad, at least before i die, i know what my future will be like, i know what awaits me and i know i am promised an eternal life when i walked my life with God.. amen! this chance are in all of your courts friends. You might be anti-christ, you might be criticising my post, you might be amazed, you might have doubts, you might have uncertainties in God. whatever it is, whoever u are, you are given this chance. It's all up to you people. it's all up to you. Do take a min to think, what keeps u going on in life? what satisfy you in life? are you satisfied? i shall leave it at this note. do think about it. God bless you all people. xoxo |
![]() profile I`m simply a girl with the name of Joanne Tan. I am a child of God, and I simply love God with the bottom of my heart. I`m turning 18 soon in oct-7-2009. I realise alot more when I come to recognise his voice. The voice of truth, courage and love. My life took a turn on the 17th of May 2008.with the addition of joy through my loving CG & unit. That's when i realise that there's so much more to life, than the life that I've found mine, what about you? Goals- - Grow myself to a CL. - See people's life transformation. - To lift Jesus's name on High. speak out! - way back - November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 Precious ones- amanda cassandra Daamanda Edwyna geckting Hui Fang jenny Marinne mei yi Naemah pei qi shirley Wei ru Wen Hui credits skin by: Jane |